News in 2015

  • Calling all Teddy Boys and Girls: the Clevedon Pier roadshow needs you! 10 August 2015 Were you one of the Teddy Boys or Girls who danced the night away at the Clevedon Pier dance hall? Do you remember the Wurlitzer juke box on the pier? What were the hit tunes you enjoyed at the time? What memories do you have of fun times on the pier? Anyone with memories and anecdotes of the Clevedon Pier is invited to come along to an open day at the pier on Friday 14 August as part of the People’s Pier Project, a study into the popular culture of seaside piers and how they fit with today’s society.
  • New book highlights global volcanic hazards and risks 7 August 2015 Three University of Bristol volcanologists – Professor Steve Sparks, Dr Susanna Jenkins and Dr Sarah Brown – are lead editors and authors of a new book, Global Volcanic Hazards and Risks, published this month.
  • £2 million boost for heart research in Bristol 7 August 2015 New tests and therapies to improve the treatment of people with coronary heart disease requiring bypass surgery are being developed at the University of Bristol thanks to new research funding from the British Heart Foundation (BHF). The charity has announced grants of £2 million as part of the appointment of Costanza Emanueli as BHF Professor of Cardiovascular Science.
  • Children of the 90s flock to see Rex 5 August 2015 Dozens of participants in the world-famous Children of the 90s project flocked to see Rex, their Shaun in the City sculpture, outside the Royal West of England Academy yesterday (4 August).
  • Booklet aims to help friends and relatives of people experiencing domestic abuse 4 August 2015 A booklet written by a researcher from the University of Bristol with the aim of helping friends and family members to support victims of domestic abuse is being distributed to hundreds of locations across the city.
  • University receives garden design award for Life Sciences external realm 4 August 2015 The University celebrated the official opening of the external realm of the Life Sciences Building last week, and received an award in recognition of excellence in garden design from the Clifton and Hotwells Improvement Society (CHIS).
  • Elizabeth Blackwell Early Career fellow awarded Medical Research Council clinical fellowship 4 August 2015 Adam Chambers, a higher surgical trainee in the East Midlands Deanery and a recent Elizabeth Blackwell Clinical Primer fellow, has been awarded a Clinical Research Training Fellowship by the Medical Research Council (MRC).
  • Dr Christopher Holmes, 1953-2015 4 August 2015 Dr Christopher Holmes, a senior lecturer and researcher in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology from 1984 to 2007, died recently. Professor Chris Paraskeva, former PhD student Dr Jim Houlihan, and other friends and colleagues offer their tributes.
  • Biochemist announced as winner of BBC science writing competition 4 August 2015 Emily Coyte, an assistant teacher from the School of Biochemistry, is one of the winners of an international science writing competition run in conjunction with BBC Focus magazine.
  • Dr Sarah Ayres to chair Political Studies Association Research Commission 4 August 2015 Dr Sarah Ayres from the School for Policy Studies has been appointed as chair of the Political Studies Association’s (PSA) new Research Commission to investigate how informal governance in shaping devolution in English cities.
  • Two new epigenetics grants to study how early life experiences affect health 4 August 2015 Two researchers from the School of Social and Community Medicine have been awarded grants as part of £3 million project to study the impact of early life experiences on lifelong health.
  • University of Bristol appoints new Pro Vice-Chancellor 4 August 2015 The University of Bristol has appointed Dr Erik Lithander as its new Pro Vice-Chancellor for International and Student Recruitment. Dr Lithander, currently Pro Vice-Chancellor (International and Outreach) at The Australian National University, Australia's leading research institution located in Canberra, will take up the post on 1 February.
  • Earliest evidence of reproduction in a complex organism 3 August 2015 How some of the first complex organisms on Earth – possibly some of the first animals to exist – reproduced has been identified in a new study of 565 million-year-old fossils by researchers from the Universities of Cambridge, Bristol and Oxford.
  • Scientists identify trouble spot in brain linked to learning difficulties in Down syndrome 3 August 2015 New brain research has mapped a key trouble spot likely to contribute to intellectual disability in Down syndrome. In a paper published in Nature Neuroscience, scientists from the University of Bristol and UCL suggest the findings could be used to inform future therapies which normalise the function of disrupted brain networks in the condition.
  • New Associate Dean of Social and Clinical Medicine 3 August 2015 Sarah Purdy, Professor of Primary Care in the School of Social and Community Medicine at the University of Bristol, has been appointed Associate Dean of Social and Clinical Medicine.
  • Exploring Deaf people’s life experiences in Bristol 3 August 2015 The Deaf community in Bristol are invited to attend workshops on film-making and poetry writing in British Sign Language (BSL) this month as part of a project focussing on Deaf people’s life experiences in the city.
  • French Embassy representatives visit High Performance Networks group 31 July 2015 The University welcomed representatives from the French Embassy in London for a tour of the High Performance Networks Group (HPNG) laboratory in the Faculty of Engineering’s Merchant Venturer’s Building last week.
  • Getting smarter all the time 29 July 2015 Scientists from the University of Bristol joined representatives from other academic institutions, industry, local government and standards bodies earlier this month at a day-long workshop on high performance networks designed to accelerate the development of smart cities.
  • Bristol undergraduates publish parasite research 28 July 2015 A team of University of Bristol undergraduates have published a study on genetic diversity in the sexually transmitted parasite Trichomonas vaginalis that they carried out as part of project work for their degrees in the School of Biological Sciences.
  • Berlin Wall artist comes to Bristol for Upfest 27 July 2015 World famous artist Thierry Noir, famed for being the first street artist to paint the Berlin Wall, has taken to the streets of Bristol for Upfest – Europe’s largest free street art and graffiti festival.
  • End of an era: Sir Eric’s final degree ceremony 27 July 2015 Professor Sir Eric Thomas presided over his last degree ceremony as Bristol’s Vice-Chancellor on Friday 24 July in the Great Hall of the Wills Memorial Building.
  • Shaun in the City artist reveals jungle inspiration 24 July 2015 The artist behind the exotic Shaun in the Jungle sculpture will be giving an exclusive insight into her work and inspiration when she visits the University of Bristol Botanic Garden on Tuesday [28 July].
  • University co-hosts Community Interest Company 10-year anniversary celebration 24 July 2015 The Centre for Law and Enterprise at the University of Bristol Law School co-hosted an event earlier this month to celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Community Interest Company (CIC), which helps social enterprises structure their businesses in ways that are compatible with their social, environmental and economic objectives.
  • ACCIS students go back to school with composites research 24 July 2015 Researchers from the University’s EPSRC Centre for Doctoral Training in Advanced Composites for Innovation and Science (ACCIS CDT) led an outreach event with a difference for Year 7 students at the Crypt School in Gloucester earlier this month.
  • Reducing flood risk around the world 24 July 2015 How global flood risk models are being used to reduce flood impacts around the world is the subject of a new review by an international team of researchers, including scientists from the University of Bristol.
  • Graduating grandfather celebrates degree, aged 69 24 July 2015 A 69-year-old grandfather from Bristol has graduated after his dyslexia was finally diagnosed six years ago. Despite having a love of reading, Richard Abraham left school at 15 with no qualifications and had never written an essay in his life.
  • Honorary degrees awarded at the University of Bristol – Friday, 24 July 24 July 2015 The University of Bristol is awarding honorary degrees to Ben Emmerson QC and Dr Wendy Darke at degree ceremonies taking place today [24 July] in the Wills Memorial Building.
  • First class honours for mum-of-four after ‘epiphany moment’ 23 July 2015 A single mum from Trowbridge, inspired to undertake a degree after a health scare and the death of her father, is embarking on her dream career after graduating with first class honours from the University of Bristol.
  • Chancellor completes the 52 Faces of Bristol 23 July 2015 A year-long campaign, going behind the scenes and getting to know the many people who make up the University of Bristol, draws to a close today [23 July].
  • Bristol’s official fanfare to be played from the top of the Wills Memorial Tower 23 July 2015 A fanfare specially composed for Bristol will be played for the first time on Monday [27 July] at four locations across the city, sounding the start of the Bristol Proms. Three trumpeters will play from the top of the tower of the University of Bristol’s Wills Memorial Building, in what promises to be an extraordinary acoustic experience.
  • Honorary degrees awarded at the University of Bristol – Thursday, 23 July 23 July 2015 The University of Bristol is awarding honorary degrees to Professor David Stuart, Nik Gowing and Chrissie Iles at degree ceremonies taking place today [23 July] in the Wills Memorial Building.
  • Honorary degrees awarded at the University of Bristol – Wednesday, 22 July 22 July 2015 The University of Bristol is awarding an honorary fellowship to its Vice-Chancellor Professor Sir Eric Thomas and an honorary degree to Professor Keith Beven at degree ceremonies taking place today [22 July] in the Wills Memorial Building.
  • Famous faces awarded honorary degrees by the University of Bristol 21 July 2015 With graduation under way at the University of Bristol, we take a look back at some of the world-famous people who have been awarded honorary degrees. Among them are great political leaders, eminent scientists, renowned actors, literary greats, broadcasting legends and cherished chefs.
  • University receives Outstanding Earth Champion Award 21 July 2015 The University of Bristol has been recognised for its valuable contribution to the environment of the Bristol region in the category of well-being by the Outstanding Earth Champions Foundation.
  • Honorary degrees awarded at the University of Bristol – Tuesday, 21 July 21 July 2015 The University of Bristol is awarding honorary degrees to Professor Elizabeth Morris OBE, Stephanie Hilborne and Bob Marshall-Andrews QC at degree ceremonies taking place today [21 July] in the Wills Memorial Building.
  • Digging for Kids Company 20 July 2015 Staff volunteers from the University’s External Estates division used their horticultural skills to great effect when they took part in a renovation project at a Kids Company centre in Henbury last month.
  • Gene variation identified for teen binge eating 20 July 2015 A variation of a gene that can lead teenagers to binge eat has been identified by researchers. The work, carried out by academics at UCL and the universities of Bristol and Queensland, hope the finding will allow a better understanding of why binge eating develops, and inform the development of future preventative strategies for teens at risk before they become overweight or obese.
  • International consortium hopes to unlock spectrum above 6 GHz 20 July 2015 The University of Bristol is part of an international consortium that aims to develop concepts and key components for a new 5G mobile radio access technology. The technology is expected to operate in a range of frequency bands between 6 and 100 GHz, including millimetre-wave (mmWave) frequencies.
  • Honorary degrees awarded at the University of Bristol – Monday, 20 July 20 July 2015 The University of Bristol is awarding honorary degrees to Professor Francis Balkwill OBE, Christopher Hartley and Matthew Tanner MBE at degree ceremonies taking place on Monday [20 July] in the Wills Memorial Building.
  • Ancient life in three dimensions 17 July 2015 Hidden secrets about life in Somerset 190 million years ago have been revealed by researchers at the University of Bristol and the Bath Royal Literary and Scientific Institution (BRLSI) in a new study of some remarkable fossils. Thanks to exceptional conditions of preservation, a whole marine ecosystem has been uncovered – and yet it was already known 150 years ago.
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